Source Code

Diseased kissing

When one believes that STDs can be caught via kissing

...... diseased kissing??

by The Jesus Room June 17, 2011

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Granma's Kiss

The state of a (generally) female porn actresses asshole after the (generally) male actor has performed the Gape act on the said young lady, as seen in many an anal heavy porn film of which there are many (I am told).
Where the exhausted sphincter muscle fails to close and quivers just like old toothless grandma's mouth puckering up to give her (revolted by the gesture) grandchild a kiss.

Kid A: I was watching this one bitch on the internet last night.

Kid B: really, what acts was she engaging in that would provoke you to recount this tale to thou my friend?

Kid A: this dude whipped his dick out of her ass & boy did it gape man! reminded me of my Granma's kiss!

Kid B: Stroll on.

by Trifles August 21, 2009

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incomplete kisses

Being cut off by time and feelings but then realizing true feelings.

I'm thinking about our incomplete kisses

by Yzeewoj February 8, 2017

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drunk kiss

When you go to a party and kiss another person, but they are completely schmacked. Technically doesn't count as a kiss because the person probably won't remember it.

guy: dude Paul finally got his first kiss last night at the party
friend: No way, was she sober?
guy: Nah she took like 20 shots of Cuervo.
friend: lol thats a drunk kiss retard. Shit doesn't even count.

by yourmanpeter March 16, 2017

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sligo kiss

A Sligo kiss is an act of cunnilingus that requires great force and gracelessness. Usually performed more for the benefit of the giver than the receiver.

Kurt: D'jah know how I love atin' shnack box?

Other Kurt: Aye

Kurt: Well Jaysus, I went home with this young one last night and I ended up giving her some fuckin' Sligo kiss.

Other Kurt: Really?

Kurt: Oh yeah, I went through here like she was in the way. I nearly gave her a Rosses point cunt hook.

Other Kurt: fuck.

by JonnyJesusChristYouCantBeAtTha September 12, 2014

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tenting kiss

an innocent or friendly kiss that gives you an erection at the most inappropriate places.

Jam is too shy to stand up because her cousin's girlfriend just gave her a tenting kiss.

by alexmanuel October 17, 2010

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hardcore kissing

jessica and matt were hardcore kissing

no tops on and kissing him each other every were it was fun<3

(hardcore kissing)

by cookie6436835876892239 April 10, 2010

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