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Haverford Middle School

A place full of annoying, petty, lying bitches who are fake as hell.

Haverford Middle School is the worst school in delco

by Yeetyyeetq December 17, 2016

35πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

alief middle school

One of the most ghetto middle schools in the Alief area, which is known for the ghetto residents and loyalty to the area.

Not only do the kids fight every week, but occasionally, the teachers do too. Hell, there was a teacher v.s kid fight.
How would i know? I'm an Alief kid at heart!

Damn, the kids at Alief Middle school are cray.

by aliefNerd October 14, 2013

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

dobbins middle school

Dobbins Middle School is a school located in the middle of a lame ass town surrounded by lame ass houses. This middle school is full of snakes and weird ass hoes who bring stuffed animals too School. We also have emo’s, children of Satan, Hispanics, and those who just believe they’re above everyone. We have teachers who look like their eyes are popping from their face, and obesity is our number one thing we look for when hiring. Our food is garbage; meaning we get it from the actual garbage at other schools nearby. These schools include Hiram High School, Bagget Elementary, Hal Hutchins Elementary, South Paulding High School and Austin Middle School. We also assign work to already stressed children over break, then give them an anonymous questionnaire given by the guidance counselor asking if they would ever think about suicide because of school work. Dobbins Middle School is a place where we give ISS for not bringing homework, and make children sit in the office for two hours because their butt is outlined in a pair of tight pants. Dobbins focuses on spending the schools money on food for the teachers and then asks for money every week in a new fundraiser.

Sally told Marco,” Dobbins Middle School makes me want to kill myself, but that’s okay! At least I have four things of homework for a day off while my teachers sit at their houses on tinder! β€œ

by CarlosChristmas January 18, 2018

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Hereford Middle School

Filled with preps, dorks, emos, hoes, vapers, etc. Everyone who goes here is crazy.

Hereford Middle School? I heard that the emos are all lesbians.

by urlocalbull April 9, 2019

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Middle School Boys

A different species of human.

Obsessed with fortnite and other random ass video games.

Think everything and everyone is gay, when in reality they just dont wanna admit that theyre gay.

Has 17 girlfriends ever 3 milliseconds. Horny asf, and thinks wearing highlighters as clothes actually looks good.

β€œWhy tf are middle school boys the way they are.”

by banglocalmilfs October 30, 2021

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Newhart middle school

A school were all the girls are sluts andwhores and all the guys are douche bags. Also all the teachers are annoying and old. Most of the girls are self centered and think that they are popular when the only reason people know who they are is because they give blow jobs like everyday. then there is the girls that everyone knows but are nice..... then there is the group that is small but everyone knows who they are but they arent that nice..... some of them are fat and some are anorexic some are very very short and some are very very tall. All the eight graders hate the school and cant wait to go to capo and all the 6th graders are annoying but the 7th graders think that they are soo cool because they play spin the bottle.

guy 1: hey did you get head last night?
Guy2: yes! it felt so good!
Guy 1: all the girls at newhart middle school are soooooo easy!

by ihatenewhart14 January 2, 2011

63πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Woodland Middle School

A highly conservative based middle school based in Gurnee, Illinois. A dominantly white school, which creates early racial, cultural and sexual intolerance which is visibly carried over into Warren Township Highschool as WMS is its main feeder school.
The top two recreational activities include sexual intercourse and alcohol in order to mimic their older "friends" in high school.
Nearly all of the students participate in pop culture trends, and those who choose not to, are cast out, creating further social and economic class division, and as most of them are white, even digs deeper into the racial intolerance.
The teachers have the motto of "Act like an adult", yet don't seem to understand the retrospect of it: "Be treated like an adult." Kids are treated as though they are still in 3rd grade, despite how immature the majority are, this severely cut down on those years ahead of Family Guy jokes and pop culture references.

"You came from Woodland Middle School?"
"Damn... Are you alright?"

by NighthawkBotH January 23, 2012

53πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž