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Booty Music

Extreme flatulence.

"Ahh dang Sarah be playing that booty music on the bowl again" Katie says after hearing a symphony of farts rumble from her bathroom shortly after the two got home from Taco Bell.

by PapiRojo May 10, 2022

musical douche

any person who typically writes overly complicated rhythms and parts that sound generally unappealing, with varying levels of success.

Mason Bates is a musical douche.

by Dwizzle69 February 20, 2015

Wharf Music

The best music genre..... comes from Ireland and typically played in Harbours and includes genres such as rock, folk nad hip hop. It is very underground and niche but is respected and is for cultured individual.

Me and Johnny are going to a Wharf concert later to hear some Wharf music. Wharf is my life now.

by ramone-deginaro February 18, 2021

lesbian music

Consist of any Indy artist or lame gropes that no one knows about

My sister is listening to lesbian music

by Burlapp1234 December 17, 2016

Musical Syndrome

Definition: a common disease, like the flu, that occurs around January to March every year when people in the musical end up completely enamored with each other due to the fact they spend every waking second together...
Symptoms: dating, stalking, drooling, and flirting....
Cure: two months after the musical when you realize that you don't hang out with that person anymore

Jill and Jack never talked before the musical, now they're dating, they obviously have Musical Syndrome.

by Dr. Jennifer Love February 18, 2010

Madie music

Usually Indy rock mixed in with a little bit of scremo, at first its awkward to listen to but it will grow on you.

Dude, we sing way to much Madie music at school.

by lisaaaaaaa September 7, 2008

fapround music

music or piece of audio one listens to while masturbating, not exclusively pertaining to audio that enhances the sexual experience, but also includes audio used to cover up the sounds of masturbating, as well as audio that dulls the sexual experience to extend the duration of the act.

My boner jams playlist is really good fapround music to spice up my fap. Turning up the game's volume is good fapround music to cover up the sounds of me furiously pounding off. Podcasts are good fapround music to help me jack off the rest of the day.

by Lewd_Dewd January 11, 2021