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early morning pancake fart

To go and do a poo.
After having a big feed of pancakes for breakfast, you may feel like you need to fart, only to realise that there is more to it than just wind. So, you can use this expression to politely excuse yourself from the room without having to go into details of your need for sudden releif..

"Excuse me, I have to do an early morning pancake fart."

by PepeFlara August 20, 2006

16๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


this is an observation of art, film, music, literature, etc. that claims that said piece is pretentious and lame. see high art, artsy fartsy.

this term originates from the tv sitcom "Family Guy" in which a female newscaster remembers her starring role in a student film (from the episode, "the king is dead"

hey, i just saw this french movie yesterday--

whoa, hold on. was that pancake-flipping-clown-stuff?

no, it was actually good.

by Jack mellon farming Calloway March 21, 2005

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cottage cheese pancake butt

a very flat cellulite butt that also tends to be very pale

a chick with no sign of even having a booty. just a continuous line from her back down to her ankles must have a cottage cheese pancake butt

by tickle me funny March 22, 2010

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Peanut Butter and Jelly Pancake

When a girl doesn't wipe after she poos peanut butter and has a gushing period jelly she sits on a guys face and rocks her body back and forth as he licks her back to front. She then plops her butt on his face pancake - BOOM!

It was Keesha's first time in Mexico and not only did she eat the spicy burrito, but she also drank the water. She met a hot Mexican Poppi, Pablo and they grinded on the dance floor. They went back to his room andshe blew up the bathroom. Unfortunatley Pablo had no toilet paper and she just started her period. He didn't care and wanted to lick her clean. She sat on his face and he enjoyed the Peanut Butter and Jelly Pancake that she offered. YUM!

by Poodee Doo January 28, 2012

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Alaskan Pancake Piledriver Upsidedown Milkmachine

Take a woman out into the woods and tie her to a tree stump upside down. Then proceed to pour maple syrup over her naked body while you drive your penis into her resembling a "piledriver". While riding a moose, and occasionally using a milkmachine to lactate her breasts. And feed the milk to the moose.

Best if done while wearing nothing but a ski-mask and a bow tie. This act is exctremely illegal except if done on the 4th of July while holding a sparkler in your left armpit while you sing the "National Anthem" backwards.

Sam: This 4th of July is gonna be crazy Pam gave me permission to try a Alaskan Pancake Piledriver Upsidedown Milkmachine.

Joe: Nice I am definately jealous. If its not too much to ask bring me back some milk.

by superbadchicksgivinmemclovin February 25, 2011

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You Ain't Got No Pancake Mix

Absurd, stream-of-consciousness phrase used by Zach Galifianakis in a stand-up routine in Luna Park, West Hollywood, California in January 1999. The term has come to be a broader vehicle for closing an argument or putting a speaker off balance. This use can be viewed on YouTube by searching for "Zach Galifanakis Luna Park 1999". The line occurs about about 5:31 into the routine.

From Zach Glifianakis' 1999 Luna Park, West Hollywood comedy routine:

"Why do I sit around Indian-style on my hardwood floor, yelling out to myself, 'You ain't got no pancake mix!'?"

by MrFrankBlack November 2, 2011

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Californian Shit Dog Pancake Spanker

Mexican that immigrated from Mexico, that stands outside of Home Depot looking for work, and look for Old Flabby Asses to spank

Romil: Hey you that Californian Shit Dog Pancake Spanker over there.
Adam: Hell yeah, I bet he's clappin' granny ass

by #OldFlabbyAss December 10, 2018