When an online gamer complains about his or her connection to the game due to bandwidth, puting a quarter in your modem like a parking meter as a joke to improve said connection.
Ah man this lag sucks, "STFU Noob go put a quarter in your modem"
Something you say to an annoying girl that won’t stop complaining about insignificant things
Girl: OMG I can’t believe Doug would go around spreading rumors like that, like you have to have proof otherwise it’s just opinions, blah blah blah
Guy: I don’t give free therapy. Put out or shut up, Jessica.
1- he fine as fuck, put the freak on tha phone.
2- this food good as hell, put the freak on tha phone .
Japanese term, meaning to put on an appearance of sweetness and innocence, to hide a person's true personality.
She always wore a cat-shaped hat to the school.
I told her that it could be taken from the phrase, "to put a cat on one's head".
The act of putting your penis back in your trousers before fully shaking your drips
'Sorry i was rushing, i had a bit of a Premature Put Away (P.P.A)' Hope it doesnt stain.
A slightly aggressive way of telling somebody to put lotion in a basket
Buffalo Bill: It places the lotion in the basket
Catherine: I wanna see my mommy. Please no...
Did you see that picture he put zero fingers up he gets no bitches and has no idea how to talk to women