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The Russian Race

We are Babylonian but blind, blond, red haired. Better said subrace.

Eastern European countries not South.

Hungary and sometimes if you just born that way from one parent or random.

The Russian Race is pissed off!

by Gonzalo555777 March 1, 2025

race card

a phrase that was created by racists to try, usually unsuccessfully, to defend themselves from accusations of racism. It is a term used by those who are intellectually weak and lazy when they cannot counter a logical argument or factual data.

If you accuse someone of racism, and they are guilty of racism, they may accuse you of using the "race card."

by AmericaMath FanZonZonie June 26, 2020

2👍 1👎

Line Racing

When people in the same shopping group all stand in different check-out lines and see who gets to the cashier first. The others then change lines so they can pay for their items with that person.

Because all of the lines were so long, my mom and I tried to save time by line racing

by Tykam993 September 12, 2009

God Race (Temptation Stairway OST)

Music that feels like the whole world falling apart.

Temptation Stairway feels like you're falling apart, god race (Temptation Stairway OST) sounds like the whole world is falling apart.

by idkwattodo April 5, 2024


Which many people would either see as a typo for racism or something related to race car driving, especially the first thing, but in this case it's when you're racist towards white people and black people and or some of the other races that exist.

Holly and Jacob both really bad cases of race-ism and what makes it even worse that goes beyond whites and blacks, even though it would obviously still be completely unacceptable if it was just for them.

by PhoenixGamer34 April 11, 2024

testicle race

When two men rub eachothers testicles against each other and the person who has the redest balls loses

Mike: my balls are still hurting form the testicle race we had

Jim: mine too but let's go again tonight

by Fronk donk August 25, 2017

Side race

A side race is any race in America that isn't white or black. They would be considered minorities from any region. The reason why I call them a side race is because they are overshadowed constantly by the 2 mainstream races which are the blacks and the whites. They aren't involved in the big race war that you automatically become involved in once your both ether race in America. The race war in America between the blacks & the whites has been going on since slavery days. A side race's symptoms maybe jealousy,envy,anger, or captian obvious. They often feel resentment that their race is considered irrelevant by society and that their opinions are often deemed insignificant and meaningless because they aren't in ether races shoes due to this obvious fact they are often observing and giving a outside perspective that benefits no one and that we can all see.

White man: Nigger please ha ha.
Black man: Yo alan thats not cool right there we've been friends for 2 yrs. but you can't just go around saying nigger like that.
White man: Well if you can say it I can.
Black man: Ahh hell no *knocks white man out*
Indian asian: I think you over reacted Jamal maybe we should call the police.
Black man: I'm not calling po po you must be up out of your mind f that and f you to you stupid side race! Nobody cares what you think we've just been keeping you around as a token.

by JazJ March 18, 2011