Scale used to tell how good a girls looks. Can be used for rating sex
Damn you see that hella fine girl over there I'd say she a straight eight on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale
A scale that doesn't exist when your drunk
On a scale of 1-10 female attractiveness didn't really matter last night, I was so drunk it didn't matter.
A assistant scale that men use to rate a female. Typically used to rate body type then used to rate the facial features.
Dave: on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale what was your blind date?
Corey: body was at least a 9 and face was a 4 ,man. I couldn't get over her unibrow and huge nose.
These females are the remaining survivors of luvs terrorist explosion, to explain detail you said you wanted a new amazing active server, unfortunately these survivors only stick with their family of species I consider these females the “kitten aesthetics” they find unfunny photos hilarious, only appreciate owners and high ranks, usually wear a profile picture of a kitten, love aesthetic, random Mexican woman, titties, a random persons lips etc, the reason they stay with their kind is because they only can socialise with people who won’t judge them aka people who either fall in love with these identical animals or people who are of their species, predators or alphas such as me and adri are a hard target to come for because we fight back our warrior stamina and comebacks are much larger in range and vocabulary than these species therefore they end up becoming weak responding with dry responses until the predator leaves them to die, some of these species like to assert their dominance and come back a different day with a squad to jump you, however because me and adri are alphas we could fight 11 of them and survive with an easy victory
(all credits: kyh#0002)
Published by: adri#0009
Luvian females are all hispanic discord kittens.
On the 11th of January, become aware of your female friends. While they may seem like friends, there's a chance they won't be a true friend, but a bitch.
Hey, dude, it's female bitch awareness day. You may want to watch out for that girl in your friend group.
Female version of a character named Party Noob from the hit game regretevator
Female Party Noob is unsmashable
I AM GOING TO FUCK HER SO HARD- Nah joking. The definition is that She is a female Version of The Character Party Noob from Regretevator
Female Party Noob is so hot!
Female Party Noob: I will deep fry your organs