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Often underestimated.

A diaper sniper of sorts.

Tag along boyfriend
One who never leaves his girlfriends side

Derek: Hey Joe, you wanna go hang with the guys tonight?

Joe: I can't unless my girl can come.

Derek: Come on quit being a J-Ham

by MillvilleHooligan March 26, 2018

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piggy ham

The female genitalia.

"I'm going to go out tonight, get drunk, and score me some piggy ham!"

by Phorquieu May 7, 2007

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ham-zuh is a faggot

by Jangerjoob August 22, 2022

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thin sliced ham

Tight vagina
synonyms: tight
antonyms: see roastbeefer

that chick was so tight she was almost the thin sliced ham

by rumproast September 20, 2004

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vertical ham sandwich

A rather subtle, tasteful substitution for the word vagina.

"If she doesn't close her legs soon that vertical ham sandwich is gonna be eaten right up"

by schh November 11, 2008

smashed ham sandwich

When a woman fist's herself in the ass commonly done in front of a group or partner for awe inspiring or gross out effect

Sam:You missed a great party liz showed us the smashed ham sandwich and bob was puked everywhere

by yaktownwelder January 20, 2010

Dirty Ham Slapper

The act of slapping Woman's genital region or vagina. Can also be a form of masturbation. Normally is used in reference to a whore or slut who is pleasured a lot by this form of masturbation.

Dirty Ham Slapper Whore Dirty Vagina Vagina Masturbation

by Anonymous Gunman January 3, 2010