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Vagina Nazi

A man or woman who seeks out and "destroys" virgins. In other words, a man or woman who takes a person's virginity without any sort of love or commitment; a player.

John: "Did you hear? Kyle took Jessie's virginity last week and hasn't talked to her since!"
Heather: "Really? That's like the tenth one he's taken!"
John: "Yeah! He's such a vagina Nazi!"

by Just A Plain Ole Nerd December 25, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cock Nazi

The next level of the cock blocker. The cock nazi is a person in you life that makes sure you never get-it-on.

"So bro, did you get laid last night?" "No, my parents are a bunch of cock nazis! It was just me and Rosie Palms for the rest of the night."

by Dragon Bane August 17, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Nasty right-wing conservativly correct phrase used to slur enviromentalists and the enviromental movement. Usually used by idiots or smug elitist Tory twats (below).

Rightwing shit-head: Damm those hippie commie flag burning eco-nazi's say I shouldn't be able to fly tip toxic waste in that river, what is this Nazi Germany???

by upchuck March 22, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 162๐Ÿ‘Ž


Horrible bastards who have no right to disrespect humanity the way they do.

Neo-Nazis will all go to hell.

by neonazisareinhumane August 10, 2012

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Nazi Boi

Albino. White. White supremacist. Racist. Worthless. Gum on the bottom of your shoe that you can't get off. Antisocial. Antisemtice. Loves women booty and ass. Mainly straight but $5 is $5 ;). Use to work at the purple unicorn. Hmu if you want to share memes.

Damn son where'd you find this mighty fine nazi boi

by Therealnazi March 15, 2017

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Donut nazi

#1. "COP" pronounced "PIG" #2 Any corrupt "law enforcement" that abuse their power (aren't they all corrupt in degree or another?) #3 Ass hole cop.

Also: Any "law enforcement" personnel that believe the phrase "To protect and serve" is an unfinished sentence and should read "To protect and serve... our own interests"

That donut nazi pulled me over and exaggerate the speeding ticket by 10 mph.

by 4g63 November 12, 2007

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

neon nazi

A sub culture off breed of 'neo nazi'. The uniform of wich includes the traditional camo pants, black wife beater shirt, and red arm band. However swaztiks on said armband will be a bright color.

Dectective: "I think this was the work of neon nazis..."
Rookie cop: "What makes your think that?"
Dectective: "The spray paint used to write 'I hate jews' was florecent pink"

by Mannequin777 October 19, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž