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Kentucky plug

The act of using your thumb to plug a bloody hole.

Girl 1: I just got my period but don't have any tampons!
Girl 2: just do a Kentucky plug and ill go get one.

by Bobby buchee May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

When your girl is on her period and you use your thumb to plug the hole. (As much pressure as possible)

Brandon : "damn my girlfriend is on her period, we can't have sex"
Scott: "you can still give her the kentucky plug though"

by Poopashkinov May 23, 2021

Kentucky plug

When your girls on her period so you stick a thumb in it to stop the bleeding while you hit the brown eye

Brandon: I heard he gave her the Kentucky plug last night
Donut: damnit Scott!

by NotAKdaddy May 21, 2021

Kentucky plug

Probing a ladies butthole with ones thumb. - made famous by Gun Meme review by Brandon Herrera, In reference to Scott from Kentucky ballistics, for when he stopped his bleeding, by plugging his severed jugular with his thumb, so he could get to the hospital.

I hurt my finger so I gave her the Ol’ Kentucky plug.

by Ms6dude May 21, 2021

Kentucky plug

The act of inserting one's thumb into the rectal cavity of another

You want to get Kentucky plugged

by Kentucky plugger May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

Verb - The act of using your largest circumference available phalange to plug a hole in a human body to prevent further loss of bodily fluids - usually done swiftly and with force.

Alternatively can be used for sexual purposes but in the same flavor.

*violent explosion*
KB: "Shi.. I'm bleeding a lot... time for the Kentucky Plug!" -360 no scopes his left thumb into his jugular-
*on a first date*
Her: so what is your physical love like?
Him: -looks at her out of the side of his eye, with a smirk- "are you familiar with..." -shoves thumb into burger in front of him- "THE KENTUCKY PLUG?!"
Her: :o ... ;)

by MannyMarvelous May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

When going down on someone, use your thumb to plug up any open hole's that are on your partner, making them have less wholes for any fluid to enter or exit.

He gave me that Kentucky Plug yesterday, I was sweating air.

by shadowninjaYT May 20, 2021