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Post-Cal Clarity

Post-Calorie Clarity (or PCC) is a phenomenon similar to post-nut clarity, but instead of an orgasm you get a feeling of regret for eating so much unhealthy food, because you followed your cravings instead of following your goddamn meal plan.

"I cheated man, I did it again"
"Holy shit, don't you dare tell me..."
"I ate 2 packs of noodles man, and I LOVED IT"
"Did the Post-Cal Clarity hit at least?"
"Yeah it did, after my 4th slice of pizza"
"Wait, you ate noodles AND pizza?"

by Dangerous Singularity August 26, 2021

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post season depression

The feeling of loss that comes after watching the last available episode of a television show.

"Are you ok?"

"No. I just finished the last episode of Mad Men, and I'm suffering from post season depression...you haven't seen it you wouldn't understand."

by gap tooth grin December 11, 2009

Post-fun depression

The feeling you get after an extremely fun night, when you are sitting at home in your room. (PFD for short-pronounced puf-duh)

I'm having major post-fun depression right now. It's way too quiet at my house.

by angiessssssss August 30, 2008

Post-Workout Binge

The thought that after you have worked out, you've burned 500 calories and you can pretty much eat whatever you want, when in reality, you've only burned about 90.

Olivia: Uh, Julia? Ya might want to go a little easier on the eating there. Remember your goal of 10 pounds by next Friday?
Julia: Oh, no it's okay. I just worked out for like 45 minutes so now I can post-workout binge.

by answerwhatwhatwhat??? October 18, 2011

Post-Op Top

That fire head you get after a medical procedure where your still flying high from any drugs they gave you to knock out.

I just got post-op top and I busted the mother of all nuts.

by bean116 March 8, 2021

Post-Potter Depression

The feeling one gets after completing the final book of the Harry Potter series, knowing that there is no more to the story and you have nothing left to look forward to anymore.

Man, I finished the Deathly Hallows and just sat around for days staring at it, wishing there was more...I think I've got Post-Potter Depression.

by Major Matt August 18, 2007

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Advanced 'emo' culture, Post-Emo takes this social devolution a step further in every sense. Victims/supporters continue to multiply inexplicably...
Worse clothes, they are typically accentuated with haphazard bright colours as torn black no longer presents a sufficient enough social impact. Projected attitude is more 'insecure and pointless' than ever before. Make-up highly likely.

Jake: Man alive, talk about Post-Emo, look at it...
Mike: That a dude?
Jake: It's Post-Emo.

by G-Steez August 13, 2008

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