When you watch porn with a friend, and you both masturbate to the same video.
On weekends, me and my porn buddy go to town.
An video or book about something extremely boring (specifically things that show organisation and or sorting) to most people but immensely pleasuring for someone like CGP Grey
Brady:This is totally grey porn
Grey: please stop
The hour your internet speeds go to shit because everyone is looking at porn
"Why won't this video load?"
"It's porn hour bro"
braiding your pubes in corn rows
Hey Jerry, my girlfriend just got porn rows!
Noun. The invitation to convert to a religious belief or community through the use of enticements of power, prestige, possessions, and/or pleasure (especially implicit or explicit promises of sexual pleasure featuring attractive persons) which have no actual, logical, or causal connection with the religion espoused.
Why do hot Mormon women keep showing up in my sponsored Facebook ads? I wish Mormon.org would put their evangi-porn elsewhere.
It is a term used to make fun of a someone that thinks they’re a tough guy but in reality aren’t what they seem to be. Typically it is pronounced like a typical Italian from New York. This term is most commonly used by Howard Beach guidos.
“Ohhhh, Porn Sta. Look at Matt and fucking Daniel standing together, I’d fucking eat Danny’s ass. Oh my god, Look at the size difference. Ughhhh, what the fuck!”
Reality TV shows that are often edited and scripted in a way to play into the preconceived notions of the viewer on working class people, giving them hallow viewing pleasure at the expense of others.
Oh man, did you see those dumb people on Honey Boo Boo/Jersey Shore/ Real Housewives of Atlanta? Watching that Stereotype Porn somehow made my own socioeconomic standing/loneliness/stupidity feel better.