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1. The figurative erection that one gets when they see a new model of cell-phone that they want. This is usually accompanied feelings of pseudo-sexual arousal.

2. The literal 'bulge' that one gets in ones pants from carrying a cell phone in the front pocket of ones jeans. It was more prevalent 5 to 10 years ago because of the large heavy cell phones of the time.

1. Suzanne: "Oh my god that phone is sooo fucking hot.. I want it so bad!...
Mike: "Oh my fucking god, check out the phone boner on that bitch!"

2: Suzanne " Ok, see you later guys...(puts cell phone in front pocket)"
Mike: "Oh my fucking god, check out the phone-boner on that bitch!"

by squinty-mcgee November 19, 2007

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Boner Tap

The act of tapping boners, similar to a fist pound. Usually occurs after something cool happens. This gesture is in no way homosexual in nature, and is a perfectly reasonable way for two men to applaud one another.

It is usually performed without any other touching, only the erect penises bounce off one another under clothing.

Not acceptable in the nude.

Travis: "BANG"
Dan: Sweet head-shot
(Dan Stands up to give offer boner tap, only happens if Travis has a boner, if Travis doesn't the gesture ends in extreme awkwardness)

Dan: I have a boner
Travis: Sweet me too
(Bonner tap happens)

by mavtrav April 16, 2009

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Atoner Boner

Erection that occurs in synagogue during the high holidays, due to the fact that the services last 9 hours and that Jewish chicksare indeed hot. The best part about this boner is that you can atone for it as you get it.

During Kol Nidre I saw this girl Sarah from elementary school who I wanted to bone even when I was 8. I got a huge atoner boner.

by LCow October 6, 2008

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boner belt

waist of a mans pants to hold in a boner so no one can see he's pitching a tent.

bow-sc made use of his boner belt when his erection almost knocked button the clow to the ground.

by sweetnovember December 2, 2004

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Gaming Boner

An erection received while playing or talking about video games.

I wish we could keep talking about Call of Duty 3. I was just getting a gaming boner.

by Ryan Dutchboy Clark January 10, 2007

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mouth boner

A shit eating uncontrollable grin. It is best explained by the guy in the Disarono commercial after seeing the chick deep throat the ice cube.

Did you see the mouth boner on Brent's face when he was watching the Jude Law movie?

by Ill mon April 26, 2007

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Power Boner

Inappropriate arousal from gaining political or professional power.

Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrat Party in the UK joining in a coalition government with his moral enemy because he was blinded by his massive power boner.

by domsydavey May 12, 2010

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