Fist bumping twice in immediate succession. There should be no more than an inch between the fists at first separation, nor should it last longer than a heartbeat.
Person 1: "Yo fist bump!"
Person 2: "Nah, bro. Dub knucks!"
when you hear something you don't wanna hear
Did you hear the dub?
Yeah, I heard the dub - boss is making us come in early on Sunday. Can't believe I'm hearing the dub.
Instead of saying WWW. (which is nine syables, ten with the dot) a person says tri-dub dot whatever.
tri-dub dot urbandionary dot com
When somebody beat you last there now better then you
I beat him in basketball now I am better last dub
making out while driving (MO-W(dub)-D)
aka: mashing with your lay-dee behind the wheel while car is in a lane of travel (most commonly occurs when stopped at traffic lights).
Not to be confused with Mo-W-P (making out while parking); Mo-W-G, (making out while groping) or Mo-W-E (making out while eating).
DAMN, man, look at those 2 horndogs!!! They been doin nothing but ‘Mo-dub-d-in’ for this whole stoplight!
winning a competition or game; being victorious at something
It’s time to start picking up dubs on Fortnite!
A very attractive woman who just so happens to be overweight.
"Damn, have you seen Ashley, she's pretty hot"
"Yeah, she's a chub dub"