An objective, according to everyone but yourself, mismanagement of your own financial assets and resources.
if someone you trust tells you are committing business-suicide, please don't deny that you may not have enough capitalism acumen to successfully run a business.
Objective, to everyone but you, mismanagement of your own financial assets and resources
If you're about to commit business-suicide, please get help before it's too late.
An objective, according to everyone but you, mismanagement (by you) of your own financial assets and resources
If you are about to commit business-suicide, take action when others tell you to, before you drive yourself to debt
If you get this she’s for the streets
Me: I miss u
Her: shes busy lil bro
This means someone is ON her
When every time you try to get together with someone and they tell you they are busy. They’re never available.
He’s getting the busy signal from that girl he met last week.
They’re getting the busy signal from their son.
International Standard Business Time is a "time zone" that does not change based on location. This time is the same throughout the planet. If it is 10:00 IBST in Moscow, it is also 10:00 IBST in Texas. IBST allows international companies to sync with each other. It is most commonly seen in the 24hr format- I.e. 00:00 is midnight. IBST is the same as GMT, but as earlier stated, is recognized globally and does not depend on location.
We've set a meeting with all the GMs via Skype conference for July 11th at 1300 International Business Standard Time (IBST).
Something UD says when you type in ▥
Urban Dictionary is busy right now.