The word "Vijaysen" in the Indian language is considered by many as Awesome.
That was a thing of Vijaysen (awesome).
1; meaning Awe
2; something or someone who inspires awe
3; being a Mary
john: Atlas is such a cool dude, he's a real Mary. Always finding new ways to be awesome.
Yacki is just awesome, it reminds you on the old times of life.
,,Yacki is an awesome guy.''
,,Yacki + Family > all.''
Something that is kinda cool, a little bit impressive or viewed as ok or alright not full of awe but partial awe! Not totally impressed but still some awe!
The dinner you made tonight was awesome but you have definitely made better!!
something that is extremely impressive
Woah, that's a awesome thing you did
Yeah bro thats awesome