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Christian music

although good for moms, you will often go to sleep with this music if you're used to pop, rap, and rock. the singers are good, but they lack in style.

blonde soccer mom: let's listen to the radio!
cool son: star 94?
blonde soccer mom: no, I wanna listen to casting crowns and toby mac!
cool son: aw come on, I've been listening to that crap since i was a baby! can we PLEASE listen to Taio Cruz?
blonde soccer mom: no Jesus isn't mentioned in it. It's permenantly Christian music.

by Blakepwner January 25, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Christian music

Music that is very inspiring for Christians, most people except it to sound like "Oh praise ye Holy Father... praise ye!" but it really just sounds like most music.

"Most Christian music is pretty good."

by A random somebody September 1, 2005

32๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Christian Persecution

What whiny right wing morons whine about anytime their criticized, thus showing they the contempt they have the first amendment of the US constitution. They will usually site the Roman Empire throwing christians to the lions as an example. Despite the fact that this was a punishment only handed to criminals and denying that early christians were arsonists and terrorists.

Christian Persecution is the excuse the right wing uses as an excuse to commit genocide against those not deemed white or christian enough.

by Burn Mar-a-Lago July 25, 2019

48๐Ÿ‘ 417๐Ÿ‘Ž

Christian Leagre

One of the coolest people ever, a total pimp, a complete boss.

That guy is so boss, he's such a christian leagre.

by ruppster April 2, 2010

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Cultural Christian

A individual bound by their desire not to follow Christ, but to impress man. There are two types. The first is self- righteous. They believe that just because they grew up in the church or that their grandparents are Catholic they are automatically Christian and therefore saved. The second one is the opposite. They believe that they canโ€™t be as good as the others or chose not to be, and sin just for the fun of it.
The Christian religion becomes mostly a title they use to walk around with although they donโ€™t truly believe. Church becomes a family event, or just a personal way to meet a woman or a man with a high moral standard. Cultural Christians occupy much of the labeled โ€œChristianโ€ part of the world. In contrast, โ€œChristiansโ€ are individuals who are bought by Christ and contain the Holy Spirit. These individuals can be identified by how they love others. They struggle with doubt, sin and admit they are just as sinful as the next. Even the Apostle Paul stated he was the worst of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). Christians take irrational risks in the hopes of glorifying God, contrarily the Cultural Christian takes risks in the hopes that you will think he is a good person. A cultural Christian cares what you think about him, a Christian cares what you think of Christ. Where a Christian hates his sin, a cultural Christian is quite fine by it, and may even offer you some of his blunt.

Yeah, heโ€™s a Cultural Christian; itโ€™s quite sad honestly. I pray for him every night.

by Guest3.14 March 23, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Christian Celebrity

A Christian who over exaggerates pre-Christian experiences (IE: Drug use) in front of other believers to make it seem like they are a much better person now.

For instance saying that you were a drug addict when you smoked weed once to make other believers think you are cool, because you overcame so much.

Yeah, he never even drank. He's just trying to be a Christian celebrity.

by Thepriceofachargedupmocha August 1, 2011

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Oaks Christian

The expensive private school of the Thousand Oaks - Westlake area. Good at football and not much else.

Did you see Oaks Christian won the championship again?

by YOKO September 7, 2018

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