An absolute animal living the party lifestyle.
That guy is such an Eric Fallis! He fucked 30 bitches last night!
A person in court who snitch on Fresno gang members saying who is the leader and if they let them they kill him and before that snitched on a drug dealer he was driving around on where he hid the drugs at in the car a no good son of a bitch
Don't pull a Eric Nunez on me dude!
Sinless religious (or otherwise) arrogance; It's Pride and Joy; Righteous Profitable Honest Boast in Self
The term is usually used by people named "Eric" or to people named "Eric", but it can be used at anytime to anyone.
Luke 18:9-14 talks about the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
The Tax Collector was justified because of humility
The Pharisee, who lived a great life, was boasting in prayer. He was condemned in the parable for exalting himself over the Tax Collector
Pride is worse than most other sins, even in small quantities
Jesus concluded that "He who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted."
To distinguish this type of Pride and Arrogance with the sinless "Pride and Joy" of boasting without offending Jesus, this word was created. It sounds similar to "Arrogance" and my real name is "Eric". When you combine the terms, we have a new word: ERICance
In short, If it is likely that the arrogance observed in a situation is sinful in the eyes of the God of the Bible and Jesus, that is called "Pride and Arrogance"; If the Pride is playful and innocent and likely not offensive to God, you have observed ERICance
Eric: I bowled an 846 series at the Granada Bowl, so that means i'm the best!!!!!
Hater: That is arrogance, and you will be damned now, because Proverbs 6:16 hates on the PROUD LOOK. That is ARROGANCE.
Eric: ............................................................ ERICance ?
Eric: I have 312 Bible verses memorized! That is %1 of the whole Bible!
Hater: That is ARROGANCE
Eric: It's ERICance
Any type of arrogance that is not a sin
Pride and arrogance is a sin - Pride and Joy is not
Righteous profitable honest boast in self is a form of ERICance, but sometimes it’s completely justified.
“I am the Way, the Truth, and The Life; No one comes to the Father except by me.” -Jesus Christ; John 14:6