anthony is a homeless person
“Bro hes living on the streets”
“Hes an anthony bro”
a cool guy who is not a white unicorn banger choke holding a bear and jumping off mountains without a parachute and does not need to be executed
anthony is radical
Is a famous book writer mischievous as well as a elf. Cares too much about what people think. Acts like a baby and cries. Favorite number is 5162332150. He likes to call it.
Anthony is a loser. He has ESOL and has problems talking to the girl he likes. but he’s pretty cool.
Anthony has ESOL imagine. Couldn’t be me.
yes he is nice and really athletic and REALLY smart, he is really untrustworthy in realationships. he likes to be around other girls and flirt with other girls. he gets really emberrest with any sort of romance and likes to keep "Dating" just hugging and hanging out. he is very selfish. he likes to brag about his smartness and athleticness, and if he messes up he cant admit it. i recomend anthony as just a friend.
"man, they beat us again."
"yeah, thats because they have anthony!"