A nom-bo is a chain of moves within a fighting game ending with the character consuming their opponent such as Faust's ground throw or Kirby's neutral special in Smash Brothers.
Robert: What the fuck.
A dog that has many different sides. He could be shark like, catlike, or even horse like! Everybody loves a Ditty Bo Bo!
I can't believe there is such thing as a Ditty Bo Bo!!!
The name of bo burnham’s fanbase.
P1: Hey! Do you like bo burnham?
P2: yea! I’m a bo-ner!
P1: me too! bo-ners are so cool!
boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!
i just boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!
did you just boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!?
yeah, i boink! boink! dundundundundun pop! bung boing!!!.
Cumoing Boing is a deadbeat bum ass fucker, who deserves to be sentenced to death after what he has done. Cumoing Boing is a dangerous fiend known for roling around in horse shit, and chasing children. Cumoing Boing can also be used as a term to describe someone who does things like him
Snoop Dawg is the next Cumoing Boing; Eazy-E is so cumoing boing
Matt - Yoooo have you seen the new Ken Carson album? I fuck with it
Devon - You literally say that about every KC album that drops
Matt - But it's true
Mr. Damon - Boi, quit your sha-boing-boingery already and get yo ass to class
Analyst of time. Uses scripture to predict market crashes. More accurate than Gregory Mannarino ever was.
Bo Polny predicts the dollar will crash.