Source Code

Glee Hole

A Glee Hole is a mouth - usually in a derogatory context.

Mary: I think that Lady Gaga is the most influential female singer ever.
Kelly: What a load of rubbish - shut your glee hole!

by buckonz January 1, 2012

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takin' it to the hole

A sexual phrase in which one individual goes on an enduring and exhausting hunt to score with an orafice of the human body, regardless of the orafice's loaction and gender. Usually stated by an acquaintance in reference to what the "hunter" has been doing.

Oh man, last night, Jim tried takin' it to the hole, but no dice.

by Mix Master Dane March 9, 2005

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worm holeing

The sport of putting a worm up your arse then trying to fart it out before it tries to wriggle all the way up.

Tam 'I did a bit of worm holeing at the weekend'

by AGnumbnuts November 22, 2011

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Pump Hole

Anus hole

The pump hole is ready, I need to go lay a baby's arm, I hope it's not the hot foam again, I've been eating mutton stew with the Abo's again

by Reggie71 January 17, 2011

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aft hole

A word said in the spongebob movie

Sponge bob: Let's go kick some aft hole

by Ball_is_life_23_____ February 20, 2015

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An Ash-Hole is any volcano. Mount St. Helens is the biggest ash-hole in North America.

Mt. Vesuvius is a mean ash-hole that wiped out Pompeii in Roman times.

by JD February 1, 2005

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Pinch Hole

-Variation of the word asshole or sphincter-

You spilled my beer you pinch hole!! Way to go! Party foul~

by xXxLOONZxXx August 3, 2008

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