An uncontrollable bowel movement that makes you dance until you inevitable shit your pants.
It was a quiet night at home listening to some Marvin Gaye when the honey shakes set in and the night took a turn for the worse.
Road head, but for girls: the driver’s seat is reclined 180 degrees, the giver lies down and has their head on the seat towards the peddles. The woman props her left foot up and uses her other to control the peddles while effectively riding the other party’s face while driving
Guy: will you give me road head on our trip??
Girl: only if you give me road honey in return ;)
a woman that cost 6 mana to play, 7 feet tall is a 6/6 & that has trample. "And i thought i had a big sweet tooth" -Gannet, Skysail zoologist
she fr a honey mammoth bro, the ground trembles with every step.
The most elite tasting pussy in existence
You get that bomb tasting watermelon honey?
It means to see someone you haven't seen in awhile or to poop a wet poop
honey my badger
A very and an increasingly popular sauce or sandwich spread especially among the Millennial generation and today’s youth, chiefly due to the fact that regular mustard is now almost exclusively eaten mainly by adults in their forties or older, see: Yellow Mustard
My father and mother primarily eat yellow or spicy brown mustard; most or practically all millennials and today’s youth will only eat honey mustard sauce if they even eat any kind of mustard at all
The sexual act involves a black man ejaculating into a bottle of honey, then the partner drinks the honey and cum while taking a large dose of laxatives. The Parter then takes a new bottle of honey then when they shit out all the liquid shit they lather the black male in honey. Then a third partner comes along and licks all of the shit and honey of the black male. Then the first partner inserts both bottles into their anus and/or vagina while watching the other parter
Did you see that George Floyd did the Californian Honey Tree