Source Code

Shaking Like a Shitting Dog

To have the old trembles; shiver me timber

Damn, he was so scare he was shaking like a shitting dog!

by Anti-Septic September 25, 2015

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nothing to shake your dick at

Something that is underwhelming, not special, or "meh."

Bro: "Yo, bro! You see that girl?"

Cuz: "Yo, dawg, that ain't nothing to shake your dick at."

by Decker Manning March 25, 2016

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two shakes of a lamb's tail

To do something as soon as possible.

Person1: "Can I have a cheese burguer with fries?"
Person2: "Sure, I'll get it in two shakes of a lamb's tail"

Person1: "Get your ass over here!!"
Person2: "I'll be there in less than two shakes of a lamb's tail boss."

by TheOhJeez November 2, 2009

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shaking hands with the governor of love

Tossing Off

From Latin - Shakus Handus withus theus governorus ofus loveus - meaning choking the chicken, tossing off, wanking

From the motion of "shaking hands" with you cock (the governor of love)

I was too busy shaking hands with the governor of love to get your text

by Tom P. Cock March 31, 2006

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latin booty shaking 101

a class that one takes solely for the purpose of ogling the eye candy. so named because latin booty shaking is a spectator sport, yet many seeming heterosexual males are very interested in taking part in an activity they have no reason to take part in.

Rick: Dude, do you want to take "nursing" next year?

Astley: Naw brah, that class is so gay

Rick: Lemme put it this way. It's basically "latin booty shaking 101" nawmeeeen?

Astley: Ohhhhhh, dude hellz to the yeah!

by mcsamchilovin' June 15, 2009

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Shaking Hands With The Puppet Master

This is a phrase that a gentleman may use to indicate that he is about to masturbate (referring, of course, to the penis as being a metaphor for a puppeteer's hand, with the female being the puppet).

Now with your kind permission, madam, I would like to retreat into the back room and engage in shaking hands with the puppet master. I shan't be long.

Jenkins was feeling very horny yesterday, as he hadn't participated in shaking hands with the puppet master since the weekend.

by Karfungulator October 8, 2007

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shake it like a polaroid picture

What the people do in the music video for Outkast's "Hey Ya."

"I'm going to be in the video for "Hey Ya" by Outkast... what should I do?"

"Shake it like a polaroid picture!"

by Anonymous November 12, 2003

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