Source Code

Kandy Kid

A Kandy Kid is someone who wears Kandy and listens to Techno and goes to Raves they dress all cute and such like they were five and give out plenty of hugs for no reason.

Are you a Kandy Kid?
Hey I'am a Kandy Kid!!!!

by Smythe February 28, 2003

312๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ackley Kid

1. A term referring to the character from the Catcher in the Rye. It refers to a pathetic, piece of shit jobber ass roommate. Someone who is a complete waste of space and always seems to have a big oozy zit bustin' off of their face.

2. Asshat loser

Pick up your fuckin' empty pizza box Ackley Kid, and pop that juicy ass whitehead you got gorging out of your 20x15 forehead, ya pathetic piece of dick.

by Jobber the Hut November 13, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pixy Kid

a kid who:
- has buck teeth
- Is a jerk
- has a puff ball hat
- Is a jerk
- has wings
- Is a jerk
- short
- Is a jerk
- emo hair
- Is a jerk
- one really big eye (the other is covered by his emo hair)
- Is a jerk
- sometimes carries a wand
- Is a jerk
- sometimes has a crown
- Is a jerk
- carries a "pixy powder" bag
- Is a jerk
- and most importantly he's a jerk D<

Pixy kid is a jerk, Bastard and a Dick ^.^

by Pixy Kids master ^.^ December 2, 2006

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Jerry's kids

1. A derogatory term for kids who receive support from the Muscular Dystrophy Association. They are called this due to the MDA having a sixty-year partnership with Jerry Lee Lewis
2. A hardcore punk band from Boston who released two albums and still tours today.

1. Noah is one of Jerry's kids.
2. Jerry's Kids kick serious ass! You should really listen to their debut album "Is This My World?"

by hcpunkfan703 July 17, 2018

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stupid kid

Dumb fuck
A fuck face

The stupid kid is a fucker

by eat my ass August 29, 2004

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kids in the sandbox

Possibly the most disgusting movie on the internet. People who are into this have problems. To find it, just google "kids in the sandbox"

Damn, he's into kids in the sandbox, stay away from that guy.

by Tomatso Dragon November 3, 2007

334๐Ÿ‘ 192๐Ÿ‘Ž

whoo kid

G Unit's official DJ. If it isn't Whoo Kid, it isn't official. He is known for yelling "Damn!" or 'Can't forget" in songs for no reason. There are also plenty of random gun shots. The most annoying thing is when there is a gun shot, then he yells "Damn! Bring that back!" and the whole verse repeats. Still, his tapes are hot!

{Over lyrics that I want to hear}"Damn!"

by Casey April 8, 2005

53๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž