Also known as Reductio ad Stalinum, Reductio ad Marxisum, Reductio ad Chomskynum, Reductio ad Bakunum/Reductio ad Bakuninum, Reductio ad Libertarianum, Reductio ad Leninum, or Red-bait, is a logical fallacy (part of ad hominem) when someone dismiss speaker's argument by accusing them as a leftist
A: You're fascist <=A is deliberately doing reductio ad Hitlerum by accusing B as a fascist
B: STFU you leftist liberal special snowflake <= B is deliberately doing red-tag fallacy by name-calling A as leftist liberal special snowflake
Okay, remember the Hash Slinging Slasher from our childhood AKA Spongebob? Well take that, give him Instagram, a selfie and then too many annoying hashtags, then there ya go, a Hash Tagging Slasher.
"Damn dude Sasha just put 25 damn hashtags on her selfie. She must be a Hash Tagging Slasher nigga"
an annoying ass person on ig or some other social media that puts as much "relevent" hashtags as possible on thier shit.
Jesus Christ, Chelsea needs to calm her little titz down with the damn hashtags on Instagram! She's a fucking Hash Tagging Slasher!
The act of tagging someone on an image based greeting card on Facebook.
Mostly known on social networking platforms like Facebook which allows a user to tag himself or others in an image.
Testical Anal Gooch kiss. You get all three gathered up at one time and kiss it. Very sensual.
You are seriously the best TAG kisser I've ever had.
1. Derived from German ("five liter day"), a phrase describing a the plan to drink at least 5 liters (1.32 gallons / 176 fl oz) of beer on a given day, which is widely considered the perfect amount.
2. May also be used as a verb
1. Kevin: "Guys! 5-Liter-Tag today, ja?"
Everyone: "ok" *starts drinking*
2. Manuel: "Dude, i'm totally gonna 5-liter-tag today, bro!"
Victor: "Oh, sweet. It's lit!"
A handicap tag placed on your rearview mirror or windshield allowing you to park in the handicap spot
"Hey Grandma, did you get your gimp tag?"