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text predicting

The act of conducting a text conversation near a speaker in order to get the false feeing of having a lame super power/ability of predicting an incoming text before actually receiving it. The text can be predicted by a rhythmic patter produced by the speakers.

I like siting by my computer speakers and text predicting. It makes me feel like I have a lame super power.

by Lee Mealone February 18, 2011

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Text Off

Texting instead of calling your employer to advise you will not be coming into work. Commonly used to avoid having to fake sounding sick when you are not actually sick.

"I really want to blow off work today, but my boss will ask me questions. Why don't you Text Off instead?"

"I'm not coming in today I am very sick right know I ve been taking medication all nght. Body is all aching doctor advise to stay home until Wed."

by jombinator October 14, 2011

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Neccesary Text

A text,sent in a reasonable amount of time after the previous one which purpose is to:
1. Prevent the other person from feeling completely awkward
2. Prevent the conversation from coming to stand still

1.Jeff: I love you
Tina: (no response)
Jeff: uhhhh well then
2.Jeff: Wats up?
Tina: nmu
Jeff: nm
(convo ends)

Mr. Rogers: That Kids is an example of a Neccesary Text

by GMC522 February 23, 2009

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Risky text

On January 22 and 23 it is nation send a risky text days

I just sent a risky text .what u send bro .โ€U hungry I have some you a snob on.โ€

by I am the master of days January 23, 2022

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text life

One who constantly text messages instead of having a sex life.

Yo: Christy is really hot but I dont think she will let me hit it because sheonly a text life not a sex life.

by Young William October 31, 2007

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Text Date

Arranging to text someone at a certain time.

Person 1: "Text me at 11 yeh?"
Person 2: "Yeh sure"

Later on in the day.....

Person 3: "Heyy"
Person 2: "Hey, Dont let me forget that I have a Text Date with Joe at 11"

by M.L.P November 9, 2008

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Cold Text


1. A text message that was ignored, disregarded or dismissed.
2. A show of indifference or disregard for someone's text message.

Derived from the phrase, cold shoulder, a phrase used to express dismissal or the act of disregarding someone.

Stefan texted Cathrin to see if she was still awake, though she was, she decided to give him the cold text.

by Stefan Heart June 17, 2011

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