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Dai Bi

A word to call someone as a dumbass or a stupid idiot in Cantonese language/dialect of Chinese. It's either used as an adjective or a noun.

'He's soooooooo dai bi.' (as an adjective)
'Hey, look at Tom, he's a dai bi!' (as a noun)

by A disgusting furry December 26, 2023

Bi comp-het

When you like women, nonbinary people, and attention from men.

Some women: Man I hate experiencing Bi comp-het

Other person: What's Bi Comp-het

Some women: I like women, nonbinary people, and attention from men.

Other person: I think that's normal comp-het and you haven't accepted you're a lesbian.

Some women: stfu Jerry

by Zuckmai_dek April 18, 2021


Just like the word says. It's the type of energy emitted from those who identify as bi-sexual. Sometime the energy is enough to turn others slightly fruity. Typically, this transformation will express itself when one begins to say certain phrases after an individual has spent an ample amount of time with those associated in the alphabet mafia.

her: You have class tomorrow?
him: No
her: Me neither
him: Twinsss.

him: ...Oh shit I think your bi-energy is rubbing off on me.

by YERT49576 August 29, 2023


An individual that will accept multiple forms of currency as payment (or repayment) without preference. Typically, they travel or maintain bank accounts in multiple countries, especially Canada/USA or UK/Europe.

"Thanks for covering my tab last night, do you want American or Canadian Dollars?"

"Whichever, I'm bi-currency."

by Toxin August 11, 2007


1).A condition existing when two people living in a relationship that becomes so disconnected that they are alone even when they are together.

2). When a person is involved in a relationship with two different people and feels distance with both of them.

1). Although the couple had been married for years, they had grown so far apart from one another they were living in a sort of "Bi-solation."

2). When the man whom thought that he was in love with two women at the same time realized that he wasn't really connecting with either one of them, it occurred to him that he was living in a state of, "Bi-solation."

by Randysandy January 7, 2010


Vegas is a greeting done by international students during sporting events. It requires two or more people to complete the activity. Person A is held down by person B while person B's leg is shoved into the crotch area of person A. This originates from an international school in Bandung. The original people responsible for creating this wonderful tradition is still unknown as it spans back to more than a century. This activity is practiced in sport tournaments in Asian international schools.

Bis-vegas was done on Max during basketball IISSAC.

by Pooldragon September 23, 2021


One who is interested in any sex that gives him or her attention.

My mother is a bi-attentionseeker.

by Swabs October 6, 2018