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Sarah Palin

v. To Sarah Palin: The act of upgrading one's life (clothing, house, car) either by others' means (preferable) or your own.

Since I got this new job, I have to Sarah Palin my wardrobe. Too bad my company won't pay for it.

by Kristi Conner October 25, 2008

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Sarah G

Sarah is the most hilarious and fun-to-be-with person on the whole planet. Her cousin is so damn hot too. Sarah will be your best friend forever and is loyal but if you get on her bad side sheโ€™ll kill you lolz


by Iโ€™mSoSwag October 16, 2019

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Sarah neame

Enjoys wearing green trousers and running through clean sheets.

"Oh look theres neamo mowing my sheets down again", oh thats sarah neame

by Robbydo December 7, 2012

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Sarah dean

A try hard who loves la croix and records. She really loves la croix and records

โ€œMan that person over there sure does buy a lot of recordsโ€

โ€œshe drinks a lot of la croix tooโ€
โ€œOh yeah thatโ€™s Sarah deanโ€

by Smallkrunch69 July 8, 2019

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sarah with the ass

Gorgeous girl in dubai that goes to wso. All the guys wanna get with her and all the girls are jealous of her because of her amazing ass. Super pretty and funny: has tons of friends and is the best person to be around.

โ€œBro I really miss Sarah since she movedโ€ โ€œwhich one?โ€ โ€œSarah with the ass, obviouslyโ€

by Anonimotyiskey November 29, 2018

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Sarah Webb


That Sarah Webb chick is like the hottest person ever

by kalikookie June 21, 2015

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sarah jordan

Bad ass women definitely a surviver, super funny and has a strange sense of humor... she is a selfless server.

Sarah Jordan is amazing.

by Sarah Gilbert December 18, 2016

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