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A dude with a mustache that resembles Freddy Mercury and is a little bitch

Dude he’s such a Tony

by PussyDistroyer1001 February 24, 2023


strange man. very stupid. likes egg yolks for some reason.

you’re such a tony”

by godmoment August 4, 2021


Copemaster, the master of coping

"Vittu toi Turkki Tony lähti copee taas nii lujaa"
"Blimey mate that Tony started coping like no tomorrow"

by AntinSementti September 19, 2022


Something a Vanilla Beans calls a hot guy

Wow you're a Tony;)

by RaventheReal March 5, 2023


Tony is the boy who works in tech. He enjoys coffee in the morning and after work drinks in the evening. He talks alot- so much- but he also listens to you. If he likes you, you're very lucky. He will try his best to make you happy. To most people he is confident, opinionated and headstrong. But to you he is sweet, considerate and a little dorky. Don't forget, he likes head pats and back scratches.

i love you, Tony

by alih2 November 23, 2021


A Large Italian Man, Native to Maryland who still thinks Maryland is southern.

Tony: The South Will Rise Again!

Every Other Marylander: Shut Up You Wop

by AntiItalianHoosier August 28, 2020


short boy, who is a mommy’s boy that apologizes for everything and will break a girls heart and fat shame people.

tony: hey at least i can fit in the ocean

and don’t look like a cow
anyone: rude

by October 19, 2021