Cameron Sloan is a kid who was a good friend for a little bit. Then he turned into a dick head because he thought he was better than everyone else at everything. He was “cUtE” to the girls, and they loved everything he did. The girls who liked him were also sort of gold diggers. He insults you and thinks your the worst, unless you are the dumbest boy or girl in the grade who is popular. He is very rich and doesn’t admit it.
An odd individual, who has a lot of free time and enjoys maps. The art behind them, the beauty,even the history behind them.
CamCam SuckSuck is a part of history.
Camcam SuckSuck loves maps!
Has huge cheesy boaby and loves big tits
Oh I love Cameron his boaby cheese is so good
Cameron is typically an older brother, but every now and then he won’t act like one. Cameron’s like to make their parents so mad that they will kick him out of the house. Sometimes Cameron’s can be cool though, he can eat coco pebbles on the walk to school. He will also hide you in his room at 7am when his dad is about to leave for work. Cameron is an op but also cool sometimes.
G “Dude cameron ratted me out this morning”
J+K “Dw he will have your back next time! It’s a Camdog thing!”
Super racist and good looking usually loves caracals (floppa) will steal your girl at any given chance, does ungodly amounts of ketamine and other drugs a cameron is a all around real nigga and a homie
That guy is so cool and racist I bet he’s a cameron
She is a beautiful girl/woman who has beautiful hair (blonde), and is positive and caring. All boys will fall in love as she walks past. She is an amazing friend to everyone, and always smells amazing (even if she’s sweaty). She’s kind hearted and funny. Very dirty minded!! Nickname (Cam, cami)
Guy “Ooh la la. She is hot! She must be a Cameron.”
The criminal who tries to be good started smoking at 11 smokes weed got into trouble at school now is trying to change
That person is a Cameron they are trying to change the way they are