An act or person that induces awe, which inspires a feeling of admiration and greatness.
Kemiya a karate master preforms her high kicks and impresses everyone. Wow Kemiya is so awesome!
An act or person that induces awe, which inspires a feeling of admiration and greatness.
You see a girl named kemiya do a badass karate move and tell her that she is awesome.
the result of the conversational interaction of jeremy and crystal. jeremy who is also funny and crystal who is pretty (as she is being chased by millions of pot smoking poets) become "pretty funny" when taking together.
Wow, this room is full of awesome, jeremy and crystal are pretty funny.
The word "Vijaysen" in the Indian language is considered by many as Awesome.
That was a thing of Vijaysen (awesome).
1; meaning Awe
2; something or someone who inspires awe
3; being a Mary
john: Atlas is such a cool dude, he's a real Mary. Always finding new ways to be awesome.