When you use holy water for your bong water and take a fat rip.
When a bong is in a precarious position and you notice this, then announce it to the squad.
Bong is in a Precarious Position Comrade noticed this
Comrade: "hey guys, (mtb) mind the bong"
Bdiddy and Moisty: "ok mate"
Comrade: "Sound"
Moisty minds the bong (mtb)
a home made bong made from a tennis ball!
hey man check out my tennis bong!!
When one is high and thinking of outrageous ideas.
“Bro imagine an adult-size infant” “Damn this dudes wearing the bong helmet.”
when you smoke pears in a bong, often mixed with weed, herbs, or anything else that you can find near by. Usually used/smoked by a group of chavs that have no future and a drug addiction
Chav 1: I'm bored!
Chav 2: Me 2... Wot can we do tho?
Chav 3: ... PEAR BONG!!
they then smoke the dried pears mixed with weed etc. found inside the bong
When a woman deep throats a bong.
Did you hear about Stacy's first bong job? Daymmmmmmmmm! That girl is lucky she didn't dislocate her jaw!
a bong made from a bucker covered in saran wrap and tubes poked in it.
dude we had eight people hooked on the mega bong last night