It is a situation where a black child is forced to do the right thing after being without inspiration for so long.
John is a black child focus
when your the sibling that gives off the most main character energy
‘Katniss gives off the most main child energy’
A child with few rules and boundaries, allowed to explore the world without correction unless danger is imminent
My free-range child taught herself how to climb a ladder correctly yesterday.
The act of a large group of men cumming into a jar, then stirring the slew, afterwards dipping a dildo into the cum and putting it into a girl's vagina. Whichever person gets the girl pregnant pays child support.
Man 1: "Yo did you hear, the DNA results from our casual match of CSR came back."
Man 2: "Oh shit man, who lost?"
Man 1, revealing himself as Maury: "When it comes to the game of Child Support Roulette...." He paused for dramatic effect. "YOU ARE THE FATHER!"
Man 2:"Yo fuck that."
Maury: "You lost fair and square, dawg."
A child that was found after being kidnapped
A child in the "Lost and Found" bin
Didn't you hear? Billy's a lost and found child.
You can have a child and your parents wont be mad about it
Person 1: Wanna have a child?
Person 2: But what if my parents find out..
Person 1: Just say it was on July 10th because that was Have a child day!
Those who are enabled by capitalism to succeed not by virtue of their talents but by their willingness to follow established systems to get to the top of the food chain. In addition, willingness is not enough to be regarded as the system's favourite child; access to resources and information is essential too.
Basically, these people are considered followers as opposed to pioneers since capitalism doesn't really support creativity and diversity.
Capitalism will always honour its favourite children over those who are truly deserving.
You can be the best and still not win, only capitalism's favourite children win.
Capitalism's favourite children are so out of touch with reality, they think poor people are lazy.
We are all measured up against a white man, that is capitalism's favourite child.