"joel was talking to his wife (female) (thai) about her classic female experience when he had an idea about fixing it. His wife (female) (thai) knew nothing could be done about his erectile dysfunction"
TYPO: Should be so it CAN get tricked again!
"That girl Fiona is a right female-fisherman!"
A woman who hooks a man to then "kiss it and chuck it back" so it can't get tricked by someone else.
"That girl Fiona is a right female-fisherman!"
When you get precum in a girls vagina, and use an air chuck to clean out her uterus. Effective up to 72 hours typically. Recommended PSI is 150. The effective rate is 98.4%
The other night i was banging my girl and i got pre i’m in her so i used the female pressurizing method.
Female that gets gay men extremely drunk in order to have sex with them.
That bird Kath is a right female mincer, she only went and screwed her gay bff last night.
females inna 614 are bops, liars, cheaters, manipulators, and hotpockets
Mike: Yoo I just got a girl, she from the 614
Zay: Awe yeah she definitely a bop or a cheater. Thats what all females inna 614 are.