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Russian High-Five

A "Russian High-Five" is when someone brutally elbows you in the face. Generally speaking, Russian High-Fives (also known as "Russian Fives") either break several teeth in the mouth or the nose of the receiver, and it is therefore not advisable to greet anyone you actually care about in such a manner.

John: "Ivan, let me introduce you to my girlfriend next week!"

Ivan: "Do you want me to give her a Russian High-Five?"

John: "No! No Russian Fives this time, please!"

by UnearthlyEnemy October 11, 2012

Five star moment

An event where a person or group is publicly advised of their shortcomings. Often in an abrupt and humiliating manner.

Late 20th century coinage pertaining to a band from the UK named Five Star and a phone-in interview on a popular UK childrens television show in the late 1980s.

On national TV:
Sarah Greene: OK Eliot, what's your question:
Caller: I would just like to ask Five Star WHY THEY'RE SO FUCKING CRAP, FUCKING... <cuts out>.

That is a Five Star moment, they never really recovered from that. If you find the youtube clip, watch for the girl in black sat immediately to the right of them trying not to piss herself -TV gold!

by ?uestion July 1, 2011

Helicopter High Five

When you see a helicopter in the air, turn to the person closest to you and give/receive a helicopter high five!

No one really sees Volkswagen Beetles anymore, and punch buggies are slightly violent. Helicopter high fives are the same concept, minus the pain.

"Ashley, do you see that helicopter towards the beach?"

"Ohhh yes I do! Helicopter high five!"

by Ellie-Mae October 13, 2012

Five nights of smith

Going out and drinking hard for many consecutive nights, such as one would do over a wedding weekend or Mardi Gras.

"Why are you going home, it's only midnight?"
"It's been five nights of smith for me, I'm tired."

"Exams are over, I'm going out for five nights of smith!"

"You look bad, it looks like you've had five nights of smith."

by nolajohn May 18, 2009

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Five Fucking Hours!

Noun; A period of time while you are high on any substance because time goes amazingly slow.

Person 1: Hey mannn, what time is it?
Person 2: 10:00.
Person 1: Dudeee, what time is it now?
Person 2: It's still 10:00.

by FiveFuckinHours July 22, 2009

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High Five-jacking

High Five-jacking refers to the act of hijacking someone's high five. This happens when two people are about to high five, but a third person raise his/her hand and gives one of them a high five before the initial one is performed, thereby hijacking it.

The action is also quite similar to a high five leech.

Kris: I'm so stoked now, Hennick! Give me a high five!
Hennick: YEAAAAAH!!!
Magnus raises his hand faster than light and gives Kris a high five while Kris is trying to high five Hennick (the High Five-jacking).
Kris: S**t, we were high five-jacked!

Hennick: That was AWESOME!!!
Kris: Yeah, I'm even more stoked now!

by Offpiste-M December 27, 2010

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five year plan

When a college student decides to stay in college for longer than four years.

Gerry: Why weren't you in class this afternoon?
Chase: I'm on the five year plan.
Justin: I was on that plan once.

by bangalangadingdong April 18, 2007

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