Source Code

v got u u got i

All about you've got a friend

V got u u got i oh my ain't dat enuf to make a grown gumtree cry?

by Hercolena Oliver May 27, 2010

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Y'all Got 2K?

What an African-American says when the subject of Video Games is brought up, the respected African American usually has a 99.99999% to ask this question, referring to the 2K NBA video game series.

Jimbo: Hey Guys, I just got a PS4 and I'm looking to play some Games with you
Jamal: Y'all got 2K?
JImbo: No, that Nigger Shit ain't for me

by Genjamin Franklin March 13, 2018

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NCD, got STD.

No can do, got stuff to do.

Hey, wanna get together with the Kid, Pirate and Ninja tomorrow for dinner and drinks?

NCD, got STD.

by The Kam October 12, 2007

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You got served

Teh bst mvie mde since undercover brother

All these fags who dont like the movie you got served probably got served once in their life

by asdf June 19, 2004

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You Got Wabbed!

To have someone put a piece of blu-tac, shaped like a penis, over where your name is written. (Usually on a rota at work or a team list or basically anywhere where there is a list of peoples names posted on a wall)

Usually someone gets wabbed for a reason, like takeing a day off work, or an enemy might wab you. Although not all wabbings are fully justified.

John: Awwwww no way man! I think I've been wabbed!!!

Mark: What?!

John: Look Man! (Points to where his name should be on the team sheet, but it is covered by a cock shaped piece of blu-tac. He peels it off to reveil his name)

Mark: Hahaha! You got wabbed!!

by Glennzeebee December 8, 2010

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Got Your Nose

A sex act of eating someoneโ€™s arse out. The recipient then tense their arse and says โ€œgot your noseโ€.

I was licking Chloeโ€™s arse out last night and she used the โ€œgot your noseโ€

by Lilshoe June 11, 2022

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got a race on you

if you look like you are not full white a scutty person may say to you

'you got a race on you?'

asking if you have another ethnical background or if you are just sun tanned / dirty

scutter: you got a race on you?
me:wtf are you saying?
scutter: is there black in you?
me: no. asian. *goes and washes after she came within 1 foot of me*

by i hate scutters February 27, 2005

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