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The God Room

Founded at Quinnipiac University. God Room is a bunch of silly goose idiots, but are actually smart. They are always down to turn the fuck up, but always puts family first. Some say they are the long lost disciples of Jesus Christ

Currently at 11 members, but always welcome more. Only if, they live the God Room lifestyle, pray daily, participate in the rituals, obey the moral law, and accept our teachings

Holy shit it’s The God Room their dicks must be massive

by godroom1 November 23, 2021

I still see your shadows in my room

That song from the fortnite live event

I still see your shadows in my room cant take back the love that i gave you its to the point where i love and i hate you

by K9123 December 9, 2024

shovel your room

scooping up all the stuff in your room on the floor

you have so much stuff on your floor you shovel your room and take arm loads off the floor and just pile it all up on the useless parts of your room

by KFuchs July 24, 2009

room slice

This is a slice of pizza that your get to take back to your hotel room after a long night of partying and drinking.

KC and i were out late in Las Vegas partying. We had to stop at Pin up Pizza and get a room slice before crashing in the hotel

by Gmoney2323 March 27, 2018

Baby Room Shiv

He is an extremely dark teenage Indian, even though he claims he is "Guju". He is barely making it through each of his classes. He only associates with younger people and has a history of abusing young children. in the nursery room. Thus, the nickname "Shiv's in the baby room" was born. Young children frequently use this term, and Shiv becomes extremely insane when people use it, which makes him want to molest them more. Like how Humans have addiction to porn, shiv has an addiction to touching little kids and abusing them. he says he finds internal happiness while touching little boys.

Baby Room Shiv

by SHivuuuuu November 22, 2023

Baby Room Shiv

He is an extremely dark teenage Indian, even though he claims he is "Guju". He is barely making it through each of his classes. He only associates with younger people and has a history of abusing young children. in the nursery room. Thus, the nickname "Shiv's in the baby room" was born. Young children frequently use this term, and Shiv becomes extremely insane when people use it, which makes him want to molest them more. Like how Humans have addiction to porn, shiv has an addiction to touching little kids and abusing them. he says he finds internal happiness while touching little boys.

Its Baby room shiv

by SHivuuuuu November 22, 2023

powder room

In the 18th century women would retire to small rooms to snort cocaine and talk shit about their husbands and children.

Jennifer went to the powder room to freshen up.

by kangaruuu October 15, 2023