Source Code

fire spinning

The art of spinning fire. Using what is called a "staff" or fire staff, which is basically a wooden stick which both ends are lighted on fire, the prefered fuel for this is camping fuel. This flaming stick is then twirled in the air. There are many moves such as the basic butterfly spin, dragonfly, palm spin, etc. A required and difficult skill.

Last night I was out fire spinning and i lit my face on fire! I singed my eyebrows, it was a fun time indeed!

by AnonymousFire June 11, 2006

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friendly fire

When Kevin Han kills his own teammate in CS on de_dustworld when his teammate is sitting right next to him yelling at him to stop.

Paul: Kevin, STOP SHOOTING AT ME DAMNIT!!! *dies*
Kevin: Huh? did u say something?

by Paul June 12, 2004

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fire box

A box that contains the most valuable, either monetary or emotionally, items of a collection to be evacuated in the event of a fire/flood/baliff. Originally the tool of a record collector, it can refer to a collection of any kind. Also named "peel box" after the legendary DJ John Peel, and "panic box" in case of ermergency.

"Did you find any wants in my crates?"

"Not really, I'd prefer to see your fire box"

by kutsxratxch November 14, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fire Nation

Indian people.

Based on M. Knight Shamylan's 'Last Airbender'.
Shamylan made the Fire Nation cast in the live action version of Avatar: The Last Airbender Indian.

Interchangeable with Fire Benders.

1: The Fire Nation are a bunch of Hindus and make good curry.

2: I love Ghandi, he was a great Fire bender!

by !ns4n3 August 12, 2010

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Dumpster Fire

Baylor University; Baylor University Football

"Have you heard about the Dumpster Fire in Waco, TX?", "Next on ESPN: More fuel added to the Baptist Dumpster Fire in Waco as new allegations of sexual misconduct by players and administrators emerge."

by Leroy Snitzle March 14, 2017

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soul fire

world of warcraft warlock skill that casts, looks, and hurts like a mage's pyroblast. costs one soul shard.

player casting soul fire for the first time: "wtf? thats wat soul fire looks like? they should change it to ninja gaiden's art of inferno."

by Autumnr4in January 27, 2008

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Fire Batch

Fire Batch: A batch of special brownies that is fire...

John: Damn that was a fire batch of brownies

Friend:Yeah it was.

by PureConvict December 3, 2010

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