A sexy young man who bags all his friends’ moms with ease. He also bullies everyone shorter than him to assert his dominance .
Paul Rizk is such a fine young man.
Abnormal fear of singer/songwriter Paul Williams after seeing him on "The Muppet Show" as a young child. Symptoms may include extreme anxiety when viewing the movie "Smokey and the Bandit" and the inability to watch "Bugsy Malone" even though you love Scott Baio. Some liken it another childhood trauma that caused "Shields and Yarnell Syndrome."
Paul Williamsaphobia can cause sudden chills when the name Paul Williams is spoken. Massive anxiety when you see him win a Grammy in the year 2014, causing flashbacks of him surrounded by Muppets and playing piano. Visions of him wearing a large cowboy hat as Little Enos Burdette and making a double or nothing bet with the Bandit to "Go to Boston and bring back some clam chowder for me and my daddy" has been known to give people an awkward feeling in their soul.
The act of falling asleep at an unreasonably early hour while in the presence of guests.
Usually this will also consist of passing out on the largest piece of furniture; depriving someone of a place to sit.
"Oh look who's Pauling asleep again. Third time this week.."
A John-Paul is a laboratory created clone with the genius of Napoleon, the ruthlessness of Julius Caesar, the daring of Hannibal, and the shrewdness of Attila the Hun.
John-Paul established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom over varying portions of southern China, with himself as the "Heavenly King" and self-proclaimed younger brother of Jesus Christ, and is blamed for inciting The Taiping Rebellion.
Otherwise, a John-Paul is known for being a swell fella and steadfast friend.
Revelation 13:1: John-Paul will rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
When a grown man has a habit of mistaking underage girls for being older than they are. When confronted about his disturbing habit, he often becomes very hostile and rages incoherently.
"Did you see Jeff pick up that fourth grader the other day?"
"Again? Dude, he is such a Lone Paul."
Michael Paul he wants to use the native people so he can go ahead and be strong