This happens after you have been constipated from a piece of stool that backs up your bowels, causing bad enough bloating that you end up getting severe intestinal pain, often in the middle of the night.
When that piece finally gets passed, usually after several minutes of straining, groaning, and wincing, everything it was backing up immediately comes out as diarrhea, causing your ass to imitate popping the cork on a bottle of champagne. Ironically, shaking your intestines, whether with your hands or making your legs shake up and down, can assist, in the same way you can shake up champagne to make the cork pop out.
Joe: Ugh, man I shouldn't have eaten that grilled five-cheese, wings, and beer at the pub this weekend. I woke up last night feeling like my gut had a knife in it. Took like twenty minutes on the toilet before I finally ended up popping a cork.
Dave: You think that's bad? Last time I popped a cork, I'd had an egg salad sandwich for lunch. I had to sit there with Egg farts the whole time. I nearly puked.
A tactic used by women to fortify fidelity when their significant other is away at school,in the service overseas,or in prison. As a "something to remember me by" maneuver,the lady queefs into a balloon and ties it off,puts it in a box with a note saying "Pop and Sniff" and mails it to her loved one.
That poor guy in cell block C is really down in the dumps. He just got a Pop and Sniff from his wife.
A very powerful punch or jab, reminiscent of the strength of the fictional Star Wars race, the Wookies. Generally understood to resolve a conflict with one punch. Usually resulting in a KO.
"You got 10 seconds to get out of my house or else you're getting a wookie pop straight to your face!"
bbc pop is a typo that my best friend "Hol" sent to her aunt without even noticing she was on messages. this doof.
bbc pop
oh sorry I didn't notice I was on messages.
Slang. A loud sudden cheering from a crowd from seemingly nowhere.
That’s a crazy crowd pop! What’s a crowd pop? It’s when they cheer loudly randomly.
When you push down on your dick when you have a boner and it will make a crack
This is a dick pop
I woke up this morning and did My dick pop did you
Pop-folk is a music genre which is from the Balkan region of Europe.
Pop-folk has local names too, Chalga in Bulgaria, Turbo-folk in the former Yugoslav states, Manele in Romania, Laïko/Modern Laïka in Greece and Arabesque in Turkey.
Pop-folk is mainly performed in discothèques and occasionally performed in Concert halls.
Pop-folk is genre which is like Marmite (you like it or you don't like it).
There are many performers variating on country and the pop-folk stars also perform abroad for the diaspora.
Pop-folk music texts are mainly around the subjects of love, possessions, money and truths about life for example Relationship problems and pop-folk texts are very funny.
This is a example of a pop-folk text:
"100 Mercedes to have, 100 years to drive, 100 men to want my hand."