When you shove a shovel up someone asshole.
Hey Sam you want me to coalminers son you?
throws thumbs of after getting hit in a fight
“austin seamen was one tough son of a bitch at that fight today!”
The action of father and son engaging in fun, family bonding activities
"Wow, Giorno and his dad sure are close."
"Of course they are! They have a lot of Father-Son Funtime."
An Egyptian coctik jew that is the younger brother of two piece and disciple of Justin Bieber. He is a "competent" driver that doesn't leave the house without his trusty Kentucky fried cooch and chevy earbuds and believes in the church of goose. He enjoys kidnapping freshmen(he a senior) and forcing them to feed him grapes in his pyramid while listening to Bankroll Hayden and anime otaku music.
Son of whoopty and Bleucheeze: asks whoopty and Bleucheeze to drive on highway, ellos gritan "rebota ese culo"
SOA not to be confused with the show or the Soldiers of Allah are a republican political religious group who some how strive for a better world by cyber bullying those they deem sinners or people they are told to target for money being part of a group of organizations SOAR, DOA, and Eyes
Hey did you hear about SOA? Which SOA? The SOA (Sons Of Adam)