Somebody who takes creatine and automatically thinks they are hard when they’re still small
Mezzy is such a creatine monster he’s just fat
When you take a fat hit from a bong filled with milk and inhale the smoke through a cookie in your mouth
Bro I went to Haley's house and did a fat cookie monster
The lunch monster is the thing that lingers around hell hole office spaces. It’s the thing you blame when people go out to lunch and never return to work ever again.
Guy 1: Dude where is Jim?
Guy 2: He got eaten by the “lunch monster” two days ago, but that fucker had some decency this time and regurgitate him. He now works at the big shiny tower in the city and makes bank.
Of or pertaining to eating abundant quantities of noodles or other food after prolonged binge drinking.
That girl was totally hott last night until I brought her back to my place and she noodle monstered all my food!
Monster Gamer is Cooler than thunder7 and thunder6 lol xD
girl has a bigger pennis than you.
i met a slong monster last night
The free weights area of any gym.
Harold wanted to learn to lift weight, but he was intimidated by the denizen of Monster Island, so he went to Body Attack instead.