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Bulgarian hog loaf

Hog loaf from the land of Bulgaria. Often times is so juicy and tender it melts in your mouth and leaves a coat of Bulgarian oxide. You have to wash your mouth for 1 hour to get rid of this coating. Is the most nutritious food of the 21st century.

Man, I tried Bulgarian hog loaf and it was so good!

by Bryce loves boobs November 16, 2023

Hog Bag

When you have been out drinking all day and night. When it's finally time to eat. You hit a drive thru, or order Door Dash. Making an order big enough for 8 people. Making sure to completely stuff your self. While eating your food like you are eating from a Hog Trough.

I just made a McDonald's order that cost 37.50. That's what I call a Hog Bag. Then preceded to stuff all 6 burgers, 3 large fries, and 30 chicken nuggets down my throat

by Gold Standard 1 January 16, 2025

Last word hog

Irritating insecure twerp addicted to having the last word of a discussion or argument - always responding to the concluding remarks of others despite having nothing new or meaningful to say. A sufferer of lastworditis aka last-word syndrome.

A pair of Last Word Hogs may continue a discussion with pointless childish bickering until senile dementia and/or fighting intervenes.

she: Yeah, but these spuds woz Cre-Mated.

he: At least I don't speak gibberish.

she: Don't get the last word on me.

he: Last word hog!

she: No I ain't! / he: You are too! / she: AIN'T! / he: you ARE! / ... / (fade to divorce, spuds as co-respondents)

by Owen's World August 31, 2016

Last word hog

Irritating insecure twerp addicted to having the last word of a discussion or argument - always responding to the concluding remarks of others despite having nothing new or meaningful to say. A sufferer of lastworditis aka last-word syndrome.

A pair of Last Word Hogs may continue a discussion with pointless childish bickering until senile dementia and/or fighting intervenes.

she: Yeah, but these spuds woz Cre-Mated.

he: At least I don't speak gibberish.

she: Don't get the last word on me.

he: Last word hog!

she: No I ain't! / he: You are too! / she: AIN'T! / he: you ARE! / ... / (fade to divorce, spuds as co-respondents)

by Owen's World August 31, 2016

Last word hog

Irritating insecure twerp addicted to having the last word of a discussion or argument - always responding to the concluding remarks of others despite having nothing new or meaningful to say. A sufferer of lastworditis aka last-word syndrome.

A pair of Last Word Hogs may continue a discussion with pointless childish bickering until senile dementia and/or fighting intervenes.

she: Yeah, but these spuds woz Cre-Mated.

he: At least I don't speak gibberish.

she: Don't get the last word on me.

he: Last word hog!

she: No I ain't! / he: You are too! / she: AIN'T! / he: you ARE! / ... / (fade to divorce, spuds as co-respondents)

by Owen's World August 31, 2016

Smoking the hog

The act of ripping blinkers on a waxpen while jerking off. The subsequent head rush (on both ends) is said to be highly euphoric.

I had a shitty week at work, so I’m going home and smoking the hog. I found some really good porn, grabbed my vape, and started to beat my meat like it owed me money.

by Huge_Midget January 30, 2022

Peepa Hog

a stan twitter fad.
stans basically everyone.
desperate for likes and followers.
a fat pig who should be fried in an oven and locked up in a cell

Peepa Hog is a fad.

by peepahog October 20, 2020