Hog loaf from the land of Bulgaria. Often times is so juicy and tender it melts in your mouth and leaves a coat of Bulgarian oxide. You have to wash your mouth for 1 hour to get rid of this coating. Is the most nutritious food of the 21st century.
Man, I tried Bulgarian hog loaf and it was so good!
When you have been out drinking all day and night. When it's finally time to eat. You hit a drive thru, or order Door Dash. Making an order big enough for 8 people. Making sure to completely stuff your self. While eating your food like you are eating from a Hog Trough.
I just made a McDonald's order that cost 37.50. That's what I call a Hog Bag. Then preceded to stuff all 6 burgers, 3 large fries, and 30 chicken nuggets down my throat
Irritating insecure twerp addicted to having the last word of a discussion or argument - always responding to the concluding remarks of others despite having nothing new or meaningful to say. A sufferer of lastworditis aka last-word syndrome.
A pair of Last Word Hogs may continue a discussion with pointless childish bickering until senile dementia and/or fighting intervenes.
she: Yeah, but these spuds woz Cre-Mated.
he: At least I don't speak gibberish.
she: Don't get the last word on me.
he: Last word hog!
she: No I ain't! / he: You are too! / she: AIN'T! / he: you ARE! / ... / (fade to divorce, spuds as co-respondents)
Irritating insecure twerp addicted to having the last word of a discussion or argument - always responding to the concluding remarks of others despite having nothing new or meaningful to say. A sufferer of lastworditis aka last-word syndrome.
A pair of Last Word Hogs may continue a discussion with pointless childish bickering until senile dementia and/or fighting intervenes.
she: Yeah, but these spuds woz Cre-Mated.
he: At least I don't speak gibberish.
she: Don't get the last word on me.
he: Last word hog!
she: No I ain't! / he: You are too! / she: AIN'T! / he: you ARE! / ... / (fade to divorce, spuds as co-respondents)
Irritating insecure twerp addicted to having the last word of a discussion or argument - always responding to the concluding remarks of others despite having nothing new or meaningful to say. A sufferer of lastworditis aka last-word syndrome.
A pair of Last Word Hogs may continue a discussion with pointless childish bickering until senile dementia and/or fighting intervenes.
she: Yeah, but these spuds woz Cre-Mated.
he: At least I don't speak gibberish.
she: Don't get the last word on me.
he: Last word hog!
she: No I ain't! / he: You are too! / she: AIN'T! / he: you ARE! / ... / (fade to divorce, spuds as co-respondents)
The act of ripping blinkers on a waxpen while jerking off. The subsequent head rush (on both ends) is said to be highly euphoric.
I had a shitty week at work, so I’m going home and smoking the hog. I found some really good porn, grabbed my vape, and started to beat my meat like it owed me money.
a stan twitter fad.
stans basically everyone.
desperate for likes and followers.
a fat pig who should be fried in an oven and locked up in a cell
Peepa Hog is a fad.