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skeeter tits

girl with small nipples that resemble mosquito bites.

dude guess what.
im going out with megan marvin.
dude, that girl has skeeter tits.

by BuddyGz April 23, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Salvation Tits

Tits that will save your life.

Frank need somes Salvation Tits after that long dry period that he had.

by Master Hacker123 December 13, 2009

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bull tits

A funnier way of saying bull shit.

A: "I won that bet, you owe me $20.00"
B: "Man, thats some bull tits."

by Mrbiginpants January 18, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scorp Tits

Fat flaps that hang down like saddle bags from the chest of males. Scorp Tits develop over years, and are usually the by-product of morbid inactivity.

An unusual medical condition resulting from this condition is called "Singular Swollascorptitacus," in which one Scorp Tit is noticeably larger than the other. Males with this condition often report uncontrollable masturbation in their sleep, particularly while on vacation with family or friends. Even if awoken from this trance-like state, the person afflicted will continue to masturbate, while his one free hand gently caresses one of his Scorps. There is no known cure for this disease, although many have tried the method of igniting a lighter to the penis head of the afflicted male while in his trance. This has producted mixed results, however most being messy.

The lifecycle of a Scorp Tit is as follows: baby spuds, budding manbreasts, hairy double stuffs, and finally--lard twins.

"We were all having a good time at the lake until ole fatass Tungette's Scorp Tits kicked in again. Damn I thought Jeff was gonna try and find a blowtorch to burn his flesh sword off with."

by Scotty Smith January 7, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

tits out

state of having one's breasts exposed
common usage with public flashing

Kathy got drunk and ended up tits out. She was flashing everybody that stopped to look.

by Cliff96 July 10, 2005

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saggy tits

Usually said out of impulse, and unprovoked. The "tits" part is held on and exaggerated, and along with a gay voice it sounds very annoying. People usually say this when they are trying to make people like them.

Kid: Yeh, that tv program last night was great.
C.R(interupting): Yeh, SAGGY TIIIIIITS!!!! Ha hahahaha!

by Owen January 12, 2005

491๐Ÿ‘ 282๐Ÿ‘Ž

go tit

A common Freudian slip through the fingers during a chat session, usually made when one is thinking about sex.

Lucy: See you at 8.
Dave: You go tit.
Lucy: ...what?
Dave: Err, you goat tit.
Lucy: ...WHAT??

by Douglas Young December 24, 2007

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