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crack the whip

slapping a girl in the face after she sucks your cock

I had to crack the whip on your sister.She loves the cock.

by doyle November 22, 2003

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hood whipped

name came from gettin your ass thrown on the hood of a cop car.

Damn cuz that copa had me straight hood whiped when he pulled me over last week.

The fuckin pig found a sack in my pocket and had me hood whipped.

by gotchaback July 17, 2009

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whip stiches

To dominate in any given feild, to unleash an unholy amount of ass kicking. Used like as an adjective, like cool or sweet, or a verb like kicking ass or owning.

Notre Dame is gonna whip stiches on USC this year! Yeah the Irish!

Have you seen (insert hip movie here)? It whips stiches!

by l/p May 7, 2006

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Whip Dog

A male who is whipped(on a leash) by his girlfriend. Thats the whip part. The dog is if he is still your nigga but hangs with his gurl alot.

Originated by M.Dog(speakin da thuth) towards MC Behan. Although everything has changed and M.doggie is the true Whip dog

J:Yo where gonna go to a party ,fuck bitchs like antoine cromartie, drink beers make fun of queers, play some flip cup, get are tips suck, you down?

M: mossing wit da wife bro

J: Dis mafucka is such a Whip dog, (hang up da phone)

A, J, M, nuff niggas: What are mans saying tonight

M: Wifes mossing over

A, J, M, nuff niggas: WHIPDOGGGGGG!!!!!!!

by Mc.Cabe HPN May 25, 2011

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A delicious snack made by putting Cool-Whip, or any kind of whipped cream, between two Pringles. This can also be done with Doritos, seeing as how it is Stephen Colbert's favorite corn-based chip.

I could really use a Sierra Mist right now, to wash down all that Colbert-Whip.

by Selinger March 31, 2010

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fresh whip

A fresh BMX bike that is better than your parents

My fresh whip is better than your mom

by Fresh whip June 7, 2017

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fuck whip

a person who sucks an umimagineable amount of dick.

Guy1: That dude is a faggot.

Guy2: Yeah, he is a complete fuck whip.

by whitepride69 August 20, 2010

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