A female who is younger than a woman. She doesn’t have a job yet and homework due in soon is swimming in her mind. She might want to change her pronouns or date the opposite gender instead. Many days out with friends, or none at all (both ok)
The oppisute gender of male dumb A$$ what ya think i was going to say dumb a$$
Girls have huge boobs
A stupid bitch who obsesses over Snapchat stories and Chipotle. All girls are the type of people to get into drama over nothing because that's just what females do. They are the type of people to be giggling and talking loudly on the bus about Snapchat stories when it's 7:30 AM and no one has energy for their bullshit. They are also all freeloaders using daddy's money and they probably go to Ulta and Starbucks every day but still have mental breakdowns about how hard life is every now and then.
All girls are the same. -Juice WRLD