Meaning cool or good; like dope meaning cool without the "pe" sound.
This song is D-OH
When you get attacked by a anorexic lesbian
So I was walking out of 7/11 and got MasonMon1119’d,I dropped my banana slurpee and everything
1. An angry outburst as a response to having been mocked by a friend.
2. (more generally) An inappropriate and/or emotional reaction to any form of mild criticism.
Friend 1: Hey, why is Fred angry at you?
Friend 2: I didn’t mean no offense man, he just pulled the "D" on me.
Friend 1: Yeah man... every once in a while he just goes Pulling the "D".
To go so far off topic in a discussion that you forget what you were even taking about to start with.
We just got 8750'd. What the heck were we talking about again?
haha i made the biggest one
i want your 8=================================================================================================================================================================================================================================D
This is a slang term most commonly used by students at FAHS. It refers to the schools D block, which is used as the learning support block. Used when someone is being particularly stupid.
"Get the fuck off me you D blocker!"