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Pinch Hole

-Variation of the word asshole or sphincter-

You spilled my beer you pinch hole!! Way to go! Party foul~

by xXxLOONZxXx August 3, 2008

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The action in which a person of the same gender tosses various lunch meats into your anal cavity from a great distance.

"Joe and I were up late last night playing meat-hole, we have to go grocery shopping later..."

by TylerKeith November 14, 2017

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Poopoo hole

A very vile term for shit dungeon. Causes many 4 year olds to die of ligma.

My poopoo hole hurts

by Gerth daddy October 15, 2018

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Nast Hole

A Nast hole is simply a fairly obvious reference to a nasty ass hole.

I bet her nast hole is a serious waft eye!

by El Cheapo March 17, 2008

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Corporate Hole

A person in the employ of a large or opulent corporation who is overly ambitious, blindly loyal to their company, and/or dismissive to others. Corporate Holes are generally rude, flaunt an air of entitlement, and have little regard for anyone unless they meet a need/desire to further the corporate hole's career or status. Corporate holes are generally freshly hired MBAs aspiring to climb the social ladder.

I was in line at the grocery store when some corporate hole making a deal on the cell phone cut in front of me and pretended he didn't see me standing there.

by bk3 May 8, 2007

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A cleaner version of the word Arse-holes. Suitable for utterance in front of children. Word may have orinated in Suffolk, England.

"If he doesn't want to do it. Arm-holes to him."
"Oh...arm-holes!" Elmo the landlord in the 80s TV sitcom Brush Strokes

by GYUK September 14, 2013

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Pristine hole

Pristine hole is the terminology used when ones vaginal Cavity is so tight and fresh it’s almost pristine

At the party Brendon’s dad said before he was born his mum had the most pristine hole

by Electrical menace January 20, 2018

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