Source Code


a number a number you 12 year old

what’s after 68?”

by the air conditioner July 30, 2022


Hairy view for two can turn into a musty "SHU 🤧". Please be sweetie and clean your "pretty"... because that thick Ole pussy is waiting for slippy to smash her spotty so she can show u that sloopy toppy so U CAN SCREAM SEXI MAMI, so she can get pinned like a fucking champ because she just succeeded n sucked ur soul n your tounge got tired and now u gotta punish her pussy for being so good by making her cum everywhere n then hit it again cause she's a squirter n u feel like a god damn G..n, she wanna go for round 4... marry that bitch!

Man, she soul snatched me with her 69, imma introduce her to my family. That's wifey, made me pray for her pussy and God himself delivered 🙏

by Badpussy92 July 13, 2024



Friend: this bread is 69p
Me: Nice

by Divorce Papers September 12, 2021


a “funny” number that, whenever it appears, “funny” people say “nice” in response, in a desperate attempt to be “funny” and “relatable”. stems from “69” being a term used to describe a sexual position where both participants put their face near eachother’s genitals.

person 1: “i’ve reached level 69!”
person 2: “nice”
person 1: “stay away from me”

by Heelpiwquin June 12, 2023



Friend: "Hey what's 2+3?" You: "69" Friend: "Nice"

by Mr. Cheat April 8, 2021


a sus number

me: I choose 69
frf: (⓿_⓿)

by ( •_•)>⌐■-■ gagaga August 16, 2022



person: 69
other person: nice
other other person: n i c e

by bakuboi March 21, 2021