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American Football

American football is the best sport in the world. I giv kudos to rugby players, becasue yes rugby is a tough sport that i actually blew my shoulder out playing. Football is better, not only than rugby, but than any other sport in exsistence. You need the endurance of a runner, the strength of a rugby player. Football uses pads, because it makes the game harder because ur carrying around an extra 10 pounds. Also, football takes different angles and different play types than any other sport making it an extremely dangerous game, even with pads. Plus, it takes more mental ability than playing chess. The players have to memorize 100's of small details. If a person messes up just once it could be a damaging blow to his or her team. Football is the worlds toughest sport, and the hardest. For those reasons, it is the best.

Fool: Cross country is the best sport!
Idiot: Baseball is the best sport!
Loser: Football is for idiots and fat people, and takes no strength.

Scholar: Football takes more strength, endurance, agility, skill, mental capacity, and balls to play than any other sport played by men.

by JohCo July 7, 2005

127๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž

american pie

IT'S A SONG! IT'S A GODDAMN SONG BY DON MCLEAN! Or rather, it was until the name was soiled by that godawful movie featuring pie-fucking.

People should quote American Pie by singing "Bye, bye, Miss American Pie..." rather than this stupid "One time at band camp..." shit.

by Anonymous September 8, 2003

90๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž

american football

An american version of rugby.

Should be renamed as "soft rugby".

The biggest difference to it's original version is that forward passing is allowed and the players wear a ton of pads on them.

A game of american football usually consists of two teams of overweight guys bumping against each other for about five seconds and then standing around and puffing for the next five minutes. This goes on and on untill the game ends.

American football is very popular in the US, but the rest of the world couldn't care less about it.

- Well, you're not very good at sports Johnny. But hey, don't worry about it, you can always start playing american football.

by horroroso December 23, 2003

94๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Football

A very intense game played primarily by people in the United States. Played much like rugby except there is stopping the play after a tackle and forward passes are legal which adds an interesting aspect to the game. Many consider it to be a pussy sport because of all the pads. I've played the sport and believe me, the pads suck and get in the way. But if they didn't exist then we would probably have football related deaths in the hundreds and no one would play. Europeans are quick to point out that rugby players don't wear pads. This is because rugby is a more fluid game and the hits aren't nearly as hard. In American football, once the ball is snapped, everyone explodes from their position and goes full speed full strength for about 15 seconds or so. When the bodies clash there is a huge force of impact because everyone is going so hard. Then they wait another 20 seconds or so, catch their breath, and go out and do that again. The stress on the body would be too much without the pads. Also, in football everyone is hitting someone on every play. Where as in rugby everyone is spread out more. And it's more about staying in position and running. Both are entertaining to watch, but I like football better just because there is much more hard hitting and crazy action with the forward pass.

There is a fine line between toughness/manliness and utter stupidity. If american football players wore pads, then everyone would sustain life long injuries or die on the field. Rugby players wear no pads and think they're hot shit for it. I hope it's worth getting teeth knocked out and using a motor chair for your whole retirement.

Theodore Roosevelt (president of U.S. 1901-1909) wanted to BAN american football because it was considered too dangerous and too many deaths resulted from it.

If you watch this game, you will find there is a lot of adrenaline and excitement packed into every play.

by Charny3 June 22, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

american football

A really crap sport.American football is just like our rugby but them American wusses use padding and helmets because they are soft as shit and are too scared to get hurt.
And anyway, why is their sport called "football"? They don't even use their feet! Maybe they call it that because most Americans' IQs are below 30 and their tiny brains can't think of another name for their so-called "sport".

Americans are pansies.

by psycho bitch March 7, 2004

113๐Ÿ‘ 140๐Ÿ‘Ž

american idiot

Two Words: George Bush!!!

More people have died since we went to war, than what caused the war in the firsdt place! It's a waste of time , money, and especially: lives, in my opinion.

by Alicia Notforbush August 3, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Football

See Rugby For Girls

American Football isn't even football, because you hardly use your foot.

by Phantom Definition Writer December 31, 2005

67๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž